Cicero and his project for the appreciation of Philosophy and Language
Cicero, Latin, Philosophy, HumanitasAbstract
The present study aims to discuss the valorization of Latin achieved by Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 – 43 BC) in his writings so as to adapt philosophy to Roman society. This involves discussing his main contributions to the elaboration of new thought in Rome: the adjustment of the Latin “spirit” to what was most important in Greek philosophy, the advancement of the Latin language and the project of translating Greek writings into Latin, the possibility of a properly Roman philosophy and the formulation of humanitas as an educative process. Cicero completed the transliteration of terms from Greek to Latin, so as to make it capable of expressing the abstraction of philosophy. With his work, he achieved a proper development of Latin literature. After him, knowledge of Greek declined in Rome, ceasing to be an obligatory instrument of authentic culture.
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