Aristotle in the Latin West: Saint Thomas, Averroes and the averroists


  • Jorge Martinez Barrera Univ. Católica de Chile


Latin Averroism, Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas


One of the most relevant consequences of Aristotle’s arrival in the Latin West was the beginning of a process of emancipation of philosophical knowledge regarding its complementarity with theology. This development began in the Islamic world due to certain characteristics of the Qur’an that hindered its harmony with philosophical knowledge. The two major themes contributed by the Aristotelian reflection were: the post-mortem destiny of the human intellect and the eternity of the world. The challenge was to harmonize these matters with the revelation data. This task was extremely difficult in the Muslim context, and its results were not entirely satisfactory for Islamic religious orthodoxy. The picture in the Latin West is quite different, although not without fiery controversy.


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