Vices and Virtues, Virtù and Fortuna in Machiavelli


  • Renato Ambrosio


Virtù, Vices, Fortuna, Machiavelli


This article aims to analyze the concepts of vice and virtue, virtù and fortuna in Niccolo Machiavelli by making use of the Greek and Latin philosophical and rhetorical reflections of Plato, Aristotle, Cicero and Quintilian. The object here is not to look for the possible influences of these authors of classical antiquity on Machiavelli, but to show, together with the help of modern scholars such as Quentin Skinner and Arianna Fermani, that the philosophical and rhetorical reflections of those ancient authors are relevant to better understand one of the fundamental authors in the formation of modern political thought.

Author Biography

Renato Ambrosio

Professor de Língua e Literatura Latinas da Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil.


