Considerations about a certain use of diairetic method in the treatment of the problem of the virtues in Plato’s Laws


  • Izabella Simões Pesquisadora na Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), RJ, Brasil.


Diairesis, virtue, Laws, Plato


The purpose of this article is to analyze how a certain practice of division is used by Plato in the Laws. In several passages of the work, the philosopher makes distinctions between terms, in order to establish lexical and even conceptual clarifications, highlighting the possibility of the existence of a certain use of diairesis in this important text of the Corpus. This is what some occurrences of the verb diaireo seem to suggest in several moments of the dialogue (I, 647c, II, 672e, III, 700a-b, VII, 815e e IX, 874e). Our intention is to see how such a procedure is applied in relation to what is one of the most fundamental problems that dialogue faces, namely: the problem concerning the unity and multiplicity of virtues.


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