Ariston of Chios and the use of the simile of the sage as a good actor


  • José Luis Ponce Pérez Professor na Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, México.


Ariston of Chios, Indifference, Wisdom, Stoicism


Among the few ideas or theoretical proposals associated with the heterodox Stoic Ariston of Chios (3rd century BC), we find the idea that the sage is like a good actor. Scholars of Stoicism do not have a uniform answer about what is the meaning and use or function of this comparison within Ariston's thought. In this paper I offer answers to these questions. First, I explain what it means this simile. Second, I propose that the simile of the actor in Ariston has an explanatory use about why Ariston proposed that one should live indifferently. And also I suggest that this simile can illuminate what it means to live indifferently, and the life according to nature.


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