Herodicus of Megara and the therapy of fire against fire



Hippocrates, Herodicus, Galen, therapy of similar principles


Herodicus of Megara, also called the Selymbrian, known for the walks and diets he prescribed for his patients, was one of the first to combine gymnastics and medicine. We will see how in the treatise Epidemics 6,3, the Hippocratic author makes explicit mention of a treatment of Herodicus, whereby he would have applied similar principles to feverish patients, thus aggravating the condition of some of them. We will see how Galen, in the 2nd century AD, interprets Herodicus’ therapy without mentioning any error on the part of the doctor, while Palladius, in the 6th century AD, commenting on the same passage from Epidemics 6,3, gives a detailed interpretation of the episode, even pointing to the death of a patient. Palladius highlights the inadequacy of the therapy applied but preserves its importance for recognizing relevant medical theories and practices, thereby saving Herodicus’ reputation and explaining how to cool a feverish body.


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