The theory of forms of government in Cicero Prolegomena to a history of Rome between tyranny and liberty



Cicero, forms of government, Rome, tyranny


This work aims to identify the main characteristics of the theory of forms of government developed by Marcus Tullius Cicero, in order to identify the theoretical and historical position of the res publica as the best constitution. For this purpose, some of the main Ciceronian political texts among the speeches and philosophical treatises will be examined, especially De re publica, in order to outline the patterns and perspectives adopted by the author. What is thereby shown is a tension between tyranny and liberty that is repeatedly highlighted in the several exemplars of forms of government adopted by the Roman people (when these are read in the light of Greek political theory), until the decline of the mixed constitution in the age of Cicero. Cicero’s entire typology rests on this point of view, and gives rise to an original sketch of the history of Rome.



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