Grassi and the problem of Plato’s metaphysics


  • Hugo Renato Ochoa Disselkoen Univ. Católica de Valparaíso


Grassi, Plato, Meno, reminiscence


In 1932 Ernesto Grassi (1902-1991) published Il problema della metafisica platonica. In this work, within the context of Meno’s analysis, Grassi proposes to understand the Theory of Ideas on the basis of the interpretation of what reminiscence is. He thinks that truth is not a datum, but an act, which comes into being in a searching process on the basis of which is the recognition of the insufficiency of all data. The insufficiency of any data is already the visible sign that truth takes place in the search itself, hence, the being does not occur before the process of evidencing itself in the cognition.


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