Relationships between the notion of “care-of-soul” and “self-knowledge” in First Alcibiades
First Alcibiades, Plato, Care-of-soul, Self-KnowledgeAbstract
This article aims to introduce the relationships between the requirements of the care of soul and the demands of self-knowledge as presented in the platonic dialogue First Alcibiades, pointing the strong connection of self-improvement with the pólis’ improvement. The erotic, theological, ethical and political dimensions are also firmly connected in the dialogue, given that the formation of the politician requires the bond between the disciple and the master which is the guide toward the recognition of the divinity, because to know yourself means, at the end, know the soul, and in the soul, god. The soul formed in such a way will know how to drive itself properly, and will be able to govern itself and the city.References
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