Orpheus and philosophy


  • Alberto Bernabé


Orphism, myth, philosophy


Throughout Antiquity there was attributed to Orpheus’ authorship a vast amount of literary and philosophical work; furthermore, he was also considered to be the founder of a multitude of cults among which were the τελεται, initiation rites which could grant one a privileged destination in the afterlife. This paper aims to present the more significant pieces of evidence from those Greek authors who asserted, explicitly or implicitly, that Orpheus was a philosopher, as well as those who dealt with him in philosophical contexts, in order to try to grasp the reasons for these authors’ choice of that type of reading of Orpheus.

Author Biography

Alberto Bernabé

Alberto Bernabé é professor da Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Espanha. E-mail: albernab@filo.ucm.es. Este trabajo se enmarca en un proyecto I+D Consolider C financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España (HUM2006-09403/FILO).