An interpretation of the Aristotelian idea of science and of its relation to Platonic dialectic in the thought of Gadamer


  • Mirko Škarica


Plato, Gadamer, Dialectic, Ethics


My exposition of the interpretation of the Aristotelian idea of science and of its relation to Platonic dialectic according to Gadamer is based on the latter’s work Platos dialektische Ethik. According to Gadamer, Platonic philosophy, besides being ethical wisdom, is also dialectic itself, because it is conceived as an effort after wisdom and as a way of reaching toward it rather than as the accomplished possession of it. The Philebus shows the inseparable connection between ethical wisdom and dialectic at its peak. The positive projection of this conception becomes the problem of ethics as science in Aristotle.

Author Biography

Mirko Škarica

Mirko Škarica é professor Pontifícia Universidad Católica de Vaparaíso – Chile.


