An outline of psychic disintegration in Plato’s Gorgias


  • Esteban Bieda


Plato, psychology, Gorgias, Socratic intellectualism


Studies of Platonic psychology usually focus on dialogues such as the Republic and Phaedrus where we find the famous threefold division of the soul, which Plato, as he grew older, readdressed and reformulated in the Timaeus, Laws and Statesman. If we can take as certain that in these latter dialogues is found a psychology that advances beyond the Socratic “care for the soul”, it is also certain that we can trace in them some vestiges back to the former dialogues which, according to the usual chronology, are earlier. In this paper we aim to show to what extent the Gorgias constitutes a sketch of what will appear as the later division of the soul, as well as of its occurrence in the Socratic theory of action known as “Socratic intellectualism”.

Author Biography

Esteban Bieda

É prof. da Universidade de Buenos Aires y de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín – Conicet.


