The birth of philosophy from the spirit of poetry: Höderlin Plato’s reader


  • Ulisses Razzante Vaccari Universidade de São Paulo


aesthetic education, poetry, philosophy, aesthetical sense


This article aims at showing how the thought of Plato profoundly influences Hölderlin’s poetic-literary and theoretical production in the period comprehending the years 1793-1798, a period in which the poet is concerned with the production of his novel Hyperion or the hermit in Greece. By means of a brief incursion into some texts in which Plato makes reference to the role of the poet and poetry (Ion, Phaedrus, The Symposium and The Republic), we intend to show that Hölderlin searches in Plato’s thought the historic moment of the birth of philosophy from the spirit of poetry.

Author Biography

Ulisses Razzante Vaccari, Universidade de São Paulo

Doutor em Filosofia pela USP e atualmente pós-doutorando pela mesma universidade, com bolsa da Fapesp.

