Affections and the impassible soul in Plotinus


  • Bernardo Lins Brandão Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)


Plotinus, affections, Soul, impassibility


In Ennead IV, 7, Plotinus affirms that the nature of man is not simple, since he has a soul and a body. The Plotinian doctrine of the relations between the soul and the body is a complex one: the body is not united with the soul, but with a kind of image of the soul. This composite of body and image of soul is the seat of the affections. In this paper, I study what Plotinus says in III, 6 about the origin of the affections in the composite and how it relates with the soul and its impassibility.

Author Biography

Bernardo Lins Brandão, Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)

Bernardo Lins Brandão é doutor em Filosofia pela UFMG e professor de Língua e Literatura Grega da UFPR.

