The dialetic of good and evil in Plato’s Republic and Parmenides


  • Raúl Gutiérrez


good, evil, dialectic, principles


Contrary to certain interpretations (M. L. Gill) that see in the dialectical practices of Parmenides a “change of policy” in the dialectical method, this paper starts from the idea that the dialectic of opposites is a constant in the works of Plato, since his earliest dialogues. In this sense, this paper seriously consider Adimanto’s statement, in the Republic (362 e2), that it is necessary to examine the opposite lógoi and aims to demonstrate that the dialectic determines the very structure of that dialogue, as well as that of the dialectical practices of Parmenides. This position leads the author to choose the relationship between good and evil as an example of the dialectic of opposites, and to demonstrate in which way the aforementioned dialogues shed light on the question from different viewpoints.